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Le BOG Club - Le PARK LIFE Blatt 2017

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Author Hedge

Back on the road
#226 | Posted: 13 Jul 2017 04:09 
I was censored?

What happened to the Right of Free Speech?

Didn't even swear!
Never Knowingly Underfed

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#227 | Posted: 13 Jul 2017 09:22 
E-mail me the actual word, as I think the 'bad word' censoring' is working incorrectly...
(There are only some 15 words in the list...)
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#228 | Posted: 13 Jul 2017 20:31 
Censored, Thats nothing hedge, i was banned, twice

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#229 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:29 
Have updated the weather forecast... LINK

Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#230 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 13:23 
It Looks like i will now meet you at mikes pub, what time will you be heading to the ferry steve as if its early i will head straight to the port, i guess unc has all the ferry tickets so not sure how i get in without one. let me know please mte.

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#231 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 17:47 
Frank, Can you not make the lunch stop now?
Pity, as it would be great to catch-up in advance...

The ferry crossing departs 11:30pm, so we will probably aim to be at the port around 10:00...
I guess we should be at the Wheatsheaf around 6:00pm???

We will probably be at the Hind's Head around 2:00, until 4:00, and at 94 Coffee Shop around 11:00am, for an hour or so...
(There really is no point rushing...)

Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#232 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 18:42 
Hi all, Sandra here. I am trying to download the maps for Paul without much success. He has a Galaxy S5 and Sygic version 17. Can someone please guide me through it? Thanks

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#233 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 19:30 
Ok - here goes...

1) Download the .zip file HERE
(You can do this directly to the phone, if that is easier, or use a PC cand connect the phone to the PC via a USB cable...)
2) Unzip the file, which will then give you 14 individual files - 7 ending in .itn, and 7 ending in .itf - it is the 7 .itf file you are interested in.
3) Move the 7 .itf files to the 'itinerary' folder within the Sygic program on the phone.
(You do this using the 'My Files' App, by selecting them, and 'Moving' or 'Copying' them to the new location)
The new location is something like 'Android - data - com.sygic.aura - files - Res - itinerary'

Does that help?
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#234 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 19:40 
Thanks for coming back Steve. I think they downloaded on the phone (there was a bleeping downward arrow at the top) but i can't find the files on the phone There is no itinerary folder, well not that I can see

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#235 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 20:32 
The download should be in 'Internal Storage - Downloads'...
What can you see in the 'Res' folder within 'Android - data - com.sygic.aura - files' ?
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#236 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 20:54 
Found the files in my files, download. When I tap on them it just says No apps can perform this action. I don't know how to transfer them to Sygic

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#237 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 20:59 
It should offer to 'Extract' them... but maybe your Android version lacks that capability?
Do you have e-mail on the phone?
e-mail me and I'll reply with the .itf files attached...
Then you can just move them to the 'itinerary' folder as needed.
Le Presidente

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#238 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 21:05 
Oh and you must access the downloaded files via 'My Files - Internal Storage - Downlaod' or you will never get the 'Move/Copy' option!
When you have found the files this way, don't 'tap' them - press and hold one, and a tick box will appear for each file.
Select (tick) all the .itf files, and then at the top of the screen tap the three vertical dots, and select Move or Copy, and navigate to the 'itinerary' folder...
Le Presidente

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#239 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 21:27 
Or, install this App on the phone - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamviewer.quicksupport.samsung&hl= en
And then I can access the phone remotely, and do it all for you
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#240 | Posted: 15 Jul 2017 21:29 
This is so frustrating. I can't find an itinerary on either phone or sygic. Where should it be?

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