A few years ago I made an aeroscreen from scrap metal of an old solar panel. I have used it a handful of times and every single time, the urge to use it more often increases.
My questions are if half doors make a difference? And/or a tonneau?
As I wear spectacles, I confess I have been using a full face helmet. On the odd town comute I only use my normal specs/prescription sunglasses... because it is a small town.
I like the safety of a full face helmet but I definitely don't like the cocoon effect and the aggressiveness of other drivers when they see a helmeted driver. As such, and since I don't want to change lenses on 3 pairs of glasses, around every 2 years, would Davida Aviator T2, or the likes be a good alternative, or should I try a classic look open faced helmet?
Armadillo is in The Douro Valley and waiting for you.