Hi Guys .
We are now preparing to head for Le mans . The ferries to book are ,
Outward journey Plymouth to Roscoff on Tuesday July 5th at 22 00pm arriving in Roscoff at 8 00am current price is £149 00. A 4 berth cabin is £89 split 3or 4 ways to get a nights sleep?
Return journey Le harve to Portsmouth on Tuesday 12th at 17 15pm arriving in Portsmouth at 21 45pm price £79 00 this ferry is the vomit comet so hang on.
I am currently waiting confirmation of over night stop in Brittany on Wednesday the 6th.
We need numbers pretty quickly so we can block buy tickets for parking /paddock /entrie at Le mans.
Frank you are in , Hedge if you are paying attention get in touch or you will get a phone call you can't refuse.
Cliff are you coming?