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Le bog club christmas curry - now a mexican!

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Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#121 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 13:44 
Nachos Rancheros
Chicken Fajitas

Sorry for the late reply chaps, been a little busy

Eugene let me now where we are meeting up

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#122 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 16:49 
Hatter, I think aim for 4:30 at Searcys Champagne Bar St Pancras...

Then over to Lamb & Flag for 6:00...

And on to the Mexican for 7:30...
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#123 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 17:10 
Cheers carl, great choice,

Cant see me reaching the champagne bar for 4.30 but will have a good go at reaching the pub for 6.00.

So it looks like there our nine people now so if you know of someone who might like to pop along and fill crunchie gears place there is a space on our table.£10 deposit paid for 10.

Looking forward to a great evening so no silly hats , bad language, flashing or falling off there chair, Jv ,


Author uncle albert

On ferry
#124 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 17:34 
Looks like a quiet night out, but it will be great!!

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#125 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 17:58 
dont forget our presents , Frank.

Author Crunchie Gears

Planning a blat
#126 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 18:48 
Sorry for the tardy reply!

I can make the Lamb and Flag but not the champagne bar.

Could I order Nachos with beef for starter, and Fajitas with chicken.

Looking forward to meet you all.


It is all about what it's not!

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#127 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 18:54 
Yay - great news!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there...

So, who's wearing their Le BOG Club Classic Le Mans Polo's???

Not sure if I can as it's in the wash already...
Le Presidente

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#128 | Posted: 17 Dec 2013 19:05 
Great choice crunchie gears, see you at the pub.

They do have dress code up the smoke le presidente, best you wear something that wont make you look like a big issue seller

See you in the pub.

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#129 | Posted: 18 Dec 2013 18:30 
Looking forward to a great evening so no silly hats

You think ?

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#130 | Posted: 18 Dec 2013 20:36 
well to be fair i rather look at your hat than hedges helmet

Author Mogster

Filling up again
#131 | Posted: 19 Dec 2013 09:12 
Looking forward to meeting those I've not yet met and catching up with those who I already have! May be able to get to Searcy's as I've a meeting in Swiss Cottage at 1pm and should hopefully be done and dusted within a couple of hours.

Author Mogster

Filling up again
#132 | Posted: 19 Dec 2013 16:42 
I'm at Searcy's (St Pancras) where is everyone(?), have I got the wrong date?

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#133 | Posted: 20 Dec 2013 00:33 
Outside in the Aero Bar

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#134 | Posted: 20 Dec 2013 00:34 
In a word:

JV you are in BIG trouble

Author AdeC
Planning a blat
#135 | Posted: 20 Dec 2013 08:31 
Mad Hatter:
JV you are in BIG trouble

Not again John

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 Le bog club christmas curry - now a mexican!


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