Have voted for the latter option but surely the two aren't mutually-exclusive...?
Could have one night here if the area is less interesting, two nights there if worth exploring the locale or comparatively short drives between hotels if there's something interesting en route etc...
Yep, that is assumed to be true for option 2...
I just need a feel for what most would like.
Mind you, had a beer with Uncle Albert yesterday, and he's keen on a longer duration - 10 days, so now thinking of a trip where individuals can chose when to dip-out and head home.
But, we still need a guide as to the preferred location to head towards, the best crossing, etc.?
Weirdly, I'm not a fan of the Chunnel, as I do actually enjoy the ferry as part of the whole event.
But, I'm not wedded to that.
I'm also very, very happy for anyone else to jump in and actually offer a plan!
So. if any of you have more ideas, like Frank's suggestion for the Black Forest, or Hedge's suggestion to head towards the Med, please shout-up!
Le Presidente