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International 7 Network

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#1 | Posted: 5 Jan 2020 11:47 
So, I was a tad bored...
Thought I'd have a scan through BlatChat...


WTF is going on in the L7C???
(It's kinda like keyboard warrior WWIII...)

Anyway, after ignoring most of the usual bollox, I came across even more bollox regarding something called the 'International 7 Network'...
Skipping through yet more bollox, it seems the 7club is aligning itself with other international clubs that are not exclusively 'Caterham/Lotus'.

Do you think 7-DNA/Le BOG Club will be offered to become a Network partner?
Le Presidente

Author Zippy

On country roads
#2 | Posted: 5 Jan 2020 17:02 
I heard that a deal with WSOCC was on the cards
Westfield lives matter

Author Eugene

Hotel de France
#3 | Posted: 10 Jan 2020 16:20 

Got bored again (can't start drinking too early...)

Many posts on BlatChat are now restricted to those paying for the privilege to read them
Looks to be the beginning of the end...
Le Presidente

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 International 7 Network


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