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ANOTHER GO AT A CURRY in August (2015!)

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Author rockinjv

On country roads
#1 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 14:07 

right .. we need to get enough beer down Hatter so that he tells us the gory details, so I'm going to have a go at getting a quorum for a date in august. Now we could do a sat lunchtime as was suggested a couple of times before, or a good old friday night.
I'll start with Friday 14th evening or Sat 15th ... I think that if we can get 8 people that should be enough to start booking somewhere, and at a round each we should have the full story before we sit down to eat ..

who's in?
happy to look at any other date suggestions for August to begin with, the more replies the better

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#2 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 14:19 
Yes Please
My body is a temple these days JV.

Author frank

Heading to Le Mans
#3 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 16:25 
8 PINTS, it will take more than that to squeal, happy to give it ago though

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#4 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 16:37 

Author rockinjv

On country roads
#5 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 16:45 
Would that be the parthenon Carl?

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#6 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 16:52 
Cheeky bu55er, i am a reformed character

Author Spike

Driving through town
#7 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 20:21 
I'm ok for either the Friday or Sat but prefer Friday as will be in town that afternoon.

Author Zetec
At petrol station
#8 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 20:38 
Is Hatters new name - hedge?
Or tree?

I think ..... Verge !!!!
It's all a load of bollocks

Author Donut

Filling up again
#9 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 21:49 
I'm on sounds good
And its not hedge or tree, more gardener......
But that's all part of the story and not mine to tell

And yes based on the last night out on the BOG club tour much more than 8

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#10 | Posted: 16 Jul 2015 23:30 
Airborne Ranger

Author rockinjv

On country roads
#11 | Posted: 17 Jul 2015 13:11 
bump .. please pick a preference .. .. multiple choices allowed / encouraged, majority wins

Author Mad Hatter
At Le Bounty
#12 | Posted: 17 Jul 2015 13:36 
And yes based on the last night out on the BOG club tour much more than 8

Author BigCol

Heading to Le Mans
#13 | Posted: 17 Jul 2015 16:43 
I have a strong preference for Thursdays rather than Fridays or Saturdays...

That said, can't make the 13th as will be at the Great British Beer Festival... unless you want to organise a beer or two there, as I should be able to organise a few freebie beer tokens to get us started but it would be a curry (and pond) free zone.

So my vote has been for 6th or 20th.

Author Donut

Filling up again
#14 | Posted: 17 Jul 2015 16:45 

Friday the 14th for me...

Author AdeC
Planning a blat
#15 | Posted: 17 Jul 2015 17:56 
20th would be best for me

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 ANOTHER GO AT A CURRY in August (2015!)


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